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#include "graph/dulmage_mendelsohn_decomposition.hpp"
二部グラフの Dulmage–Mendelsohn 分解(DM 分解)を行う.計算量は $O((N + M) \sqrt{N})$.
左側頂点集合 $V^+$, 右側頂点集合 $V^-$, 辺集合 $E$ からなる二部グラフ $G = (V^+, V^-, E)$ を考える.Dulmage–Mendelsohn 分解とは,この二部グラフの最大マッチングの性質に基づいて,各頂点集合 $V^+, V^-$ を $V^{\pm} = W^{\pm}_0 + \dots + W^{\pm}_{K + 1}$ という $(K + 2)$ 個の部分集合 $(K \ge 0)$ へ分割するものである.
$K$ が最大となる分割方法は実は(トポロジカル順序に従う並べ方の任意性を除いて)一意で,これが $G$ の DM 分解と呼ばれる.
int L, R; vector<pair<int, int>> edges; // L: 左側頂点集合サイズ // R: 右側頂点集合サイズ // edges: 0 <= u < L, 0 <= v < R を満たす辺 (u, v) からなる vector<pair<vector<int>, vector<int>>> ret = dulmage_mendelsohn(L, R, edges);
戻り値 ret は必ず($L = R = 0$ であっても)長さ 2 以上の vector で,特に ret の先頭と最後の要素に関する first, second の各 vector は空である可能性がある.
ret に含まれる各 pair<vector<int>, vector<int>> について,first の第 $i$ 要素が指す $V^+$ の頂点と second の第 $i$ 要素が指す $V^-$ の頂点の間には必ず辺が存在する(すなわち,この戻り値を元に即座に最大マッチングが復元できる).
pair<vector<int>, vector<int>>
#pragma once #include "bipartite_matching.hpp" #include "strongly_connected_components.hpp" #include <cassert> #include <utility> #include <vector> // Dulmage–Mendelsohn (DM) decomposition (DM 分解) // return: [(W+0, W-0), (W+1,W-1),...,(W+(k+1), W-(k+1))] // : sequence of pair (left vetrices, right vertices) // - |W+0| < |W-0| or both empty // - |W+i| = |W-i| (i = 1, ..., k) // - |W+(k+1)| > |W-(k+1)| or both empty // - W is topologically sorted // Example: // (2, 2, [(0,0), (0,1), (1,0)]) => [([],[]),([0,],[1,]),([1,],[0,]),([],[]),] // Complexity: O(N + (N + M) sqrt(N)) // Verified: std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, std::vector<int>>> dulmage_mendelsohn(int L, int R, const std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> &edges) { for (auto p : edges) { assert(0 <= p.first and p.first < L); assert(0 <= p.second and p.second < R); } BipartiteMatching bm(L + R); for (auto p : edges) bm.add_edge(p.first, L + p.second); bm.solve(); DirectedGraphSCC scc(L + R); for (auto p : edges) scc.add_edge(p.first, L + p.second); for (int l = 0; l < L; ++l) { if (bm.match[l] >= L) scc.add_edge(bm.match[l], l); } int nscc = scc.FindStronglyConnectedComponents(); std::vector<int> cmp_map(nscc, -2); std::vector<int> vis(L + R); std::vector<int> st; for (int c = 0; c < 2; ++c) { std::vector<std::vector<int>> to(L + R); auto color = [&L](int x) { return x >= L; }; for (auto p : edges) { int u = p.first, v = L + p.second; if (color(u) != c) std::swap(u, v); to[u].push_back(v); if (bm.match[u] == v) to[v].push_back(u); } for (int i = 0; i < L + R; ++i) { if (bm.match[i] >= 0 or color(i) != c or vis[i]) continue; vis[i] = 1, st = {i}; while (!st.empty()) { int now = st.back(); cmp_map[scc.cmp[now]] = c - 1; st.pop_back(); for (int nxt : to[now]) { if (!vis[nxt]) vis[nxt] = 1, st.push_back(nxt); } } } } int nset = 1; for (int n = 0; n < nscc; ++n) { if (cmp_map[n] == -2) cmp_map[n] = nset++; } for (auto &x : cmp_map) { if (x == -1) x = nset; } nset++; std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, std::vector<int>>> groups(nset); for (int l = 0; l < L; ++l) { if (bm.match[l] < 0) continue; int c = cmp_map[scc.cmp[l]]; groups[c].first.push_back(l); groups[c].second.push_back(bm.match[l] - L); } for (int l = 0; l < L; ++l) { if (bm.match[l] >= 0) continue; int c = cmp_map[scc.cmp[l]]; groups[c].first.push_back(l); } for (int r = 0; r < R; ++r) { if (bm.match[L + r] >= 0) continue; int c = cmp_map[scc.cmp[L + r]]; groups[c].second.push_back(r); } return groups; }
#line 2 "graph/bipartite_matching.hpp" #include <cassert> #include <iostream> #include <vector> // Bipartite matching of undirected bipartite graph (Hopcroft-Karp) // // Complexity: O((V + E)sqrtV) // int solve(): enumerate maximum number of matching / return -1 (if graph is not bipartite) struct BipartiteMatching { int V; std::vector<std::vector<int>> to; // Adjacency list std::vector<int> dist; // dist[i] = (Distance from i'th node) std::vector<int> match; // match[i] = (Partner of i'th node) or -1 (No partner) std::vector<int> used, vv; std::vector<int> color; // color of each node(checking bipartition): 0/1/-1(not determined) BipartiteMatching() = default; BipartiteMatching(int V_) : V(V_), to(V_), match(V_, -1), used(V_), color(V_, -1) {} void add_edge(int u, int v) { assert(u >= 0 and u < V and v >= 0 and v < V and u != v); to[u].push_back(v); to[v].push_back(u); } void _bfs() { dist.assign(V, -1); std::vector<int> q; int lq = 0; for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) { if (!color[i] and !used[i]) q.push_back(i), dist[i] = 0; } while (lq < int(q.size())) { int now = q[lq++]; for (auto nxt : to[now]) { int c = match[nxt]; if (c >= 0 and dist[c] == -1) q.push_back(c), dist[c] = dist[now] + 1; } } } bool _dfs(int now) { vv[now] = true; for (auto nxt : to[now]) { int c = match[nxt]; if (c < 0 or (!vv[c] and dist[c] == dist[now] + 1 and _dfs(c))) { match[nxt] = now, match[now] = nxt; used[now] = true; return true; } } return false; } bool _color_bfs(int root) { color[root] = 0; std::vector<int> q{root}; int lq = 0; while (lq < int(q.size())) { int now = q[lq++], c = color[now]; for (auto nxt : to[now]) { if (color[nxt] == -1) { color[nxt] = !c, q.push_back(nxt); } else if (color[nxt] == c) { return false; } } } return true; } int solve() { for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) { if (color[i] == -1 and !_color_bfs(i)) return -1; } int ret = 0; while (true) { _bfs(); vv.assign(V, false); int flow = 0; for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) { if (!color[i] and !used[i] and _dfs(i)) flow++; } if (!flow) break; ret += flow; } return ret; } template <class OStream> friend OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const BipartiteMatching &bm) { os << "{N=" << bm.V << ':'; for (int i = 0; i < bm.V; i++) { if (bm.match[i] > i) os << '(' << i << '-' << bm.match[i] << "),"; } return os << '}'; } }; #line 2 "graph/strongly_connected_components.hpp" #include <algorithm> #line 5 "graph/strongly_connected_components.hpp" // CUT begin // Directed graph library to find strongly connected components (強連結成分分解) // 0-indexed directed graph // Complexity: O(V + E) struct DirectedGraphSCC { int V; // # of Vertices std::vector<std::vector<int>> to, from; std::vector<int> used; // Only true/false std::vector<int> vs; std::vector<int> cmp; int scc_num = -1; DirectedGraphSCC(int V = 0) : V(V), to(V), from(V), cmp(V) {} void _dfs(int v) { used[v] = true; for (auto t : to[v]) if (!used[t]) _dfs(t); vs.push_back(v); } void _rdfs(int v, int k) { used[v] = true; cmp[v] = k; for (auto t : from[v]) if (!used[t]) _rdfs(t, k); } void add_edge(int from_, int to_) { assert(from_ >= 0 and from_ < V and to_ >= 0 and to_ < V); to[from_].push_back(to_); from[to_].push_back(from_); } // Detect strongly connected components and return # of them. // Also, assign each vertex `v` the scc id `cmp[v]` (0-indexed) int FindStronglyConnectedComponents() { used.assign(V, false); vs.clear(); for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if (!used[v]) _dfs(v); used.assign(V, false); scc_num = 0; for (int i = (int)vs.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (!used[vs[i]]) _rdfs(vs[i], scc_num++); return scc_num; } // Find and output the vertices that form a closed cycle. // output: {v_1, ..., v_C}, where C is the length of cycle, // {} if there's NO cycle (graph is DAG) int _c, _init; std::vector<int> _ret_cycle; bool _dfs_detectcycle(int now, bool b0) { if (now == _init and b0) return true; for (auto nxt : to[now]) if (cmp[nxt] == _c and !used[nxt]) { _ret_cycle.emplace_back(nxt), used[nxt] = 1; if (_dfs_detectcycle(nxt, true)) return true; _ret_cycle.pop_back(); } return false; } std::vector<int> DetectCycle() { int ns = FindStronglyConnectedComponents(); if (ns == V) return {}; std::vector<int> cnt(ns); for (auto x : cmp) cnt[x]++; _c = std::find_if(cnt.begin(), cnt.end(), [](int x) { return x > 1; }) - cnt.begin(); _init = std::find(cmp.begin(), cmp.end(), _c) - cmp.begin(); used.assign(V, false); _ret_cycle.clear(); _dfs_detectcycle(_init, false); return _ret_cycle; } // After calling `FindStronglyConnectedComponents()`, generate a new graph by uniting all // vertices belonging to the same component(The resultant graph is DAG). DirectedGraphSCC GenerateTopologicalGraph() { DirectedGraphSCC newgraph(scc_num); for (int s = 0; s < V; s++) for (auto t : to[s]) { if (cmp[s] != cmp[t]) newgraph.add_edge(cmp[s], cmp[t]); } return newgraph; } }; // 2-SAT solver: Find a solution for `(Ai v Aj) ^ (Ak v Al) ^ ... = true` // - `nb_sat_vars`: Number of variables // - Considering a graph with `2 * nb_sat_vars` vertices // - Vertices [0, nb_sat_vars) means `Ai` // - vertices [nb_sat_vars, 2 * nb_sat_vars) means `not Ai` struct SATSolver : DirectedGraphSCC { int nb_sat_vars; std::vector<int> solution; SATSolver(int nb_variables = 0) : DirectedGraphSCC(nb_variables * 2), nb_sat_vars(nb_variables), solution(nb_sat_vars) {} void add_x_or_y_constraint(bool is_x_true, int x, bool is_y_true, int y) { assert(x >= 0 and x < nb_sat_vars); assert(y >= 0 and y < nb_sat_vars); if (!is_x_true) x += nb_sat_vars; if (!is_y_true) y += nb_sat_vars; add_edge((x + nb_sat_vars) % (nb_sat_vars * 2), y); add_edge((y + nb_sat_vars) % (nb_sat_vars * 2), x); } // Solve the 2-SAT problem. If no solution exists, return `false`. // Otherwise, dump one solution to `solution` and return `true`. bool run() { FindStronglyConnectedComponents(); for (int i = 0; i < nb_sat_vars; i++) { if (cmp[i] == cmp[i + nb_sat_vars]) return false; solution[i] = cmp[i] > cmp[i + nb_sat_vars]; } return true; } }; #line 5 "graph/dulmage_mendelsohn_decomposition.hpp" #include <utility> #line 7 "graph/dulmage_mendelsohn_decomposition.hpp" // Dulmage–Mendelsohn (DM) decomposition (DM 分解) // return: [(W+0, W-0), (W+1,W-1),...,(W+(k+1), W-(k+1))] // : sequence of pair (left vetrices, right vertices) // - |W+0| < |W-0| or both empty // - |W+i| = |W-i| (i = 1, ..., k) // - |W+(k+1)| > |W-(k+1)| or both empty // - W is topologically sorted // Example: // (2, 2, [(0,0), (0,1), (1,0)]) => [([],[]),([0,],[1,]),([1,],[0,]),([],[]),] // Complexity: O(N + (N + M) sqrt(N)) // Verified: std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, std::vector<int>>> dulmage_mendelsohn(int L, int R, const std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> &edges) { for (auto p : edges) { assert(0 <= p.first and p.first < L); assert(0 <= p.second and p.second < R); } BipartiteMatching bm(L + R); for (auto p : edges) bm.add_edge(p.first, L + p.second); bm.solve(); DirectedGraphSCC scc(L + R); for (auto p : edges) scc.add_edge(p.first, L + p.second); for (int l = 0; l < L; ++l) { if (bm.match[l] >= L) scc.add_edge(bm.match[l], l); } int nscc = scc.FindStronglyConnectedComponents(); std::vector<int> cmp_map(nscc, -2); std::vector<int> vis(L + R); std::vector<int> st; for (int c = 0; c < 2; ++c) { std::vector<std::vector<int>> to(L + R); auto color = [&L](int x) { return x >= L; }; for (auto p : edges) { int u = p.first, v = L + p.second; if (color(u) != c) std::swap(u, v); to[u].push_back(v); if (bm.match[u] == v) to[v].push_back(u); } for (int i = 0; i < L + R; ++i) { if (bm.match[i] >= 0 or color(i) != c or vis[i]) continue; vis[i] = 1, st = {i}; while (!st.empty()) { int now = st.back(); cmp_map[scc.cmp[now]] = c - 1; st.pop_back(); for (int nxt : to[now]) { if (!vis[nxt]) vis[nxt] = 1, st.push_back(nxt); } } } } int nset = 1; for (int n = 0; n < nscc; ++n) { if (cmp_map[n] == -2) cmp_map[n] = nset++; } for (auto &x : cmp_map) { if (x == -1) x = nset; } nset++; std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, std::vector<int>>> groups(nset); for (int l = 0; l < L; ++l) { if (bm.match[l] < 0) continue; int c = cmp_map[scc.cmp[l]]; groups[c].first.push_back(l); groups[c].second.push_back(bm.match[l] - L); } for (int l = 0; l < L; ++l) { if (bm.match[l] >= 0) continue; int c = cmp_map[scc.cmp[l]]; groups[c].first.push_back(l); } for (int r = 0; r < R; ++r) { if (bm.match[L + r] >= 0) continue; int c = cmp_map[scc.cmp[L + r]]; groups[c].second.push_back(r); } return groups; }