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:heavy_check_mark: graph/strongly_connected_components.hpp

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#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>

// CUT begin
// Directed graph library to find strongly connected components (強連結成分分解)
// 0-indexed directed graph
// Complexity: O(V + E)
struct DirectedGraphSCC {
    int V; // # of Vertices
    std::vector<std::vector<int>> to, from;
    std::vector<int> used; // Only true/false
    std::vector<int> vs;
    std::vector<int> cmp;
    int scc_num = -1;

    DirectedGraphSCC(int V = 0) : V(V), to(V), from(V), cmp(V) {}

    void _dfs(int v) {
        used[v] = true;
        for (auto t : to[v])
            if (!used[t]) _dfs(t);
    void _rdfs(int v, int k) {
        used[v] = true;
        cmp[v] = k;
        for (auto t : from[v])
            if (!used[t]) _rdfs(t, k);

    void add_edge(int from_, int to_) {
        assert(from_ >= 0 and from_ < V and to_ >= 0 and to_ < V);

    // Detect strongly connected components and return # of them.
    // Also, assign each vertex `v` the scc id `cmp[v]` (0-indexed)
    int FindStronglyConnectedComponents() {
        used.assign(V, false);
        for (int v = 0; v < V; v++)
            if (!used[v]) _dfs(v);
        used.assign(V, false);
        scc_num = 0;
        for (int i = (int)vs.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            if (!used[vs[i]]) _rdfs(vs[i], scc_num++);
        return scc_num;

    // Find and output the vertices that form a closed cycle.
    // output: {v_1, ..., v_C}, where C is the length of cycle,
    //         {} if there's NO cycle (graph is DAG)
    int _c, _init;
    std::vector<int> _ret_cycle;
    bool _dfs_detectcycle(int now, bool b0) {
        if (now == _init and b0) return true;
        for (auto nxt : to[now])
            if (cmp[nxt] == _c and !used[nxt]) {
                _ret_cycle.emplace_back(nxt), used[nxt] = 1;
                if (_dfs_detectcycle(nxt, true)) return true;
        return false;
    std::vector<int> DetectCycle() {
        int ns = FindStronglyConnectedComponents();
        if (ns == V) return {};
        std::vector<int> cnt(ns);
        for (auto x : cmp) cnt[x]++;
        _c = std::find_if(cnt.begin(), cnt.end(), [](int x) { return x > 1; }) - cnt.begin();
        _init = std::find(cmp.begin(), cmp.end(), _c) - cmp.begin();
        used.assign(V, false);
        _dfs_detectcycle(_init, false);
        return _ret_cycle;

    // After calling `FindStronglyConnectedComponents()`, generate a new graph by uniting all
    // vertices belonging to the same component(The resultant graph is DAG).
    DirectedGraphSCC GenerateTopologicalGraph() {
        DirectedGraphSCC newgraph(scc_num);
        for (int s = 0; s < V; s++)
            for (auto t : to[s]) {
                if (cmp[s] != cmp[t]) newgraph.add_edge(cmp[s], cmp[t]);
        return newgraph;

// 2-SAT solver: Find a solution for  `(Ai v Aj) ^ (Ak v Al) ^ ... = true`
// - `nb_sat_vars`: Number of variables
// - Considering a graph with `2 * nb_sat_vars` vertices
// - Vertices [0, nb_sat_vars) means `Ai`
// - vertices [nb_sat_vars, 2 * nb_sat_vars) means `not Ai`
struct SATSolver : DirectedGraphSCC {
    int nb_sat_vars;
    std::vector<int> solution;
    SATSolver(int nb_variables = 0)
        : DirectedGraphSCC(nb_variables * 2), nb_sat_vars(nb_variables), solution(nb_sat_vars) {}
    void add_x_or_y_constraint(bool is_x_true, int x, bool is_y_true, int y) {
        assert(x >= 0 and x < nb_sat_vars);
        assert(y >= 0 and y < nb_sat_vars);
        if (!is_x_true) x += nb_sat_vars;
        if (!is_y_true) y += nb_sat_vars;
        add_edge((x + nb_sat_vars) % (nb_sat_vars * 2), y);
        add_edge((y + nb_sat_vars) % (nb_sat_vars * 2), x);
    // Solve the 2-SAT problem. If no solution exists, return `false`.
    // Otherwise, dump one solution to `solution` and return `true`.
    bool run() {
        for (int i = 0; i < nb_sat_vars; i++) {
            if (cmp[i] == cmp[i + nb_sat_vars]) return false;
            solution[i] = cmp[i] > cmp[i + nb_sat_vars];
        return true;
#line 2 "graph/strongly_connected_components.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>

// CUT begin
// Directed graph library to find strongly connected components (強連結成分分解)
// 0-indexed directed graph
// Complexity: O(V + E)
struct DirectedGraphSCC {
    int V; // # of Vertices
    std::vector<std::vector<int>> to, from;
    std::vector<int> used; // Only true/false
    std::vector<int> vs;
    std::vector<int> cmp;
    int scc_num = -1;

    DirectedGraphSCC(int V = 0) : V(V), to(V), from(V), cmp(V) {}

    void _dfs(int v) {
        used[v] = true;
        for (auto t : to[v])
            if (!used[t]) _dfs(t);
    void _rdfs(int v, int k) {
        used[v] = true;
        cmp[v] = k;
        for (auto t : from[v])
            if (!used[t]) _rdfs(t, k);

    void add_edge(int from_, int to_) {
        assert(from_ >= 0 and from_ < V and to_ >= 0 and to_ < V);

    // Detect strongly connected components and return # of them.
    // Also, assign each vertex `v` the scc id `cmp[v]` (0-indexed)
    int FindStronglyConnectedComponents() {
        used.assign(V, false);
        for (int v = 0; v < V; v++)
            if (!used[v]) _dfs(v);
        used.assign(V, false);
        scc_num = 0;
        for (int i = (int)vs.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            if (!used[vs[i]]) _rdfs(vs[i], scc_num++);
        return scc_num;

    // Find and output the vertices that form a closed cycle.
    // output: {v_1, ..., v_C}, where C is the length of cycle,
    //         {} if there's NO cycle (graph is DAG)
    int _c, _init;
    std::vector<int> _ret_cycle;
    bool _dfs_detectcycle(int now, bool b0) {
        if (now == _init and b0) return true;
        for (auto nxt : to[now])
            if (cmp[nxt] == _c and !used[nxt]) {
                _ret_cycle.emplace_back(nxt), used[nxt] = 1;
                if (_dfs_detectcycle(nxt, true)) return true;
        return false;
    std::vector<int> DetectCycle() {
        int ns = FindStronglyConnectedComponents();
        if (ns == V) return {};
        std::vector<int> cnt(ns);
        for (auto x : cmp) cnt[x]++;
        _c = std::find_if(cnt.begin(), cnt.end(), [](int x) { return x > 1; }) - cnt.begin();
        _init = std::find(cmp.begin(), cmp.end(), _c) - cmp.begin();
        used.assign(V, false);
        _dfs_detectcycle(_init, false);
        return _ret_cycle;

    // After calling `FindStronglyConnectedComponents()`, generate a new graph by uniting all
    // vertices belonging to the same component(The resultant graph is DAG).
    DirectedGraphSCC GenerateTopologicalGraph() {
        DirectedGraphSCC newgraph(scc_num);
        for (int s = 0; s < V; s++)
            for (auto t : to[s]) {
                if (cmp[s] != cmp[t]) newgraph.add_edge(cmp[s], cmp[t]);
        return newgraph;

// 2-SAT solver: Find a solution for  `(Ai v Aj) ^ (Ak v Al) ^ ... = true`
// - `nb_sat_vars`: Number of variables
// - Considering a graph with `2 * nb_sat_vars` vertices
// - Vertices [0, nb_sat_vars) means `Ai`
// - vertices [nb_sat_vars, 2 * nb_sat_vars) means `not Ai`
struct SATSolver : DirectedGraphSCC {
    int nb_sat_vars;
    std::vector<int> solution;
    SATSolver(int nb_variables = 0)
        : DirectedGraphSCC(nb_variables * 2), nb_sat_vars(nb_variables), solution(nb_sat_vars) {}
    void add_x_or_y_constraint(bool is_x_true, int x, bool is_y_true, int y) {
        assert(x >= 0 and x < nb_sat_vars);
        assert(y >= 0 and y < nb_sat_vars);
        if (!is_x_true) x += nb_sat_vars;
        if (!is_y_true) y += nb_sat_vars;
        add_edge((x + nb_sat_vars) % (nb_sat_vars * 2), y);
        add_edge((y + nb_sat_vars) % (nb_sat_vars * 2), x);
    // Solve the 2-SAT problem. If no solution exists, return `false`.
    // Otherwise, dump one solution to `solution` and return `true`.
    bool run() {
        for (int i = 0; i < nb_sat_vars; i++) {
            if (cmp[i] == cmp[i + nb_sat_vars]) return false;
            solution[i] = cmp[i] > cmp[i + nb_sat_vars];
        return true;
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