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:heavy_check_mark: unionfind/grid_unionfind.hpp

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#pragma once
#include <cassert>
#include <iomanip>
#include <numeric>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

// CUT begin
struct GridUnionFind {
    int H, W;
    std::vector<int> par, cou;
    using P = std::pair<int, int>;
    GridUnionFind(int H_, int W_) : H(H_), W(W_), par(H * W), cou(H * W, 1) {
        std::iota(par.begin(), par.end(), 0);
    inline int id_(int h, int w) { return h * W + w; }
    inline bool coordinate_valid(int h, int w) { return h >= 0 and h < H and w >= 0 and w < W; }
    int _find(int x) { return (par[x] == x) ? x : (par[x] = _find(par[x])); }
    bool _unite(int x, int y) {
        x = _find(x), y = _find(y);
        if (x == y) return false;
        if (cou[x] < cou[y]) std::swap(x, y);
        par[y] = x, cou[x] += cou[y];
        return true;
    int find(int h, int w) {
        assert(coordinate_valid(h, w));
        return _find(id_(h, w));
    bool unite(int h, int w, int h2, int w2) {
        assert(coordinate_valid(h, w) and coordinate_valid(h2, w2));
        return _unite(id_(h, w), id_(h2, w2));
    int count(int h, int w) { return cou[find(h, w)]; }
    bool same(int h, int w, int h2, int w2) { return find(h, w) == find(h2, w2); }

    int find(P p) { return find(p.first, p.second); }
    bool unite(P p, P p2) { return unite(p.first, p.second, p2.first, p2.second); }
    int count(P p) { return count(p.first, p.second); }
    bool same(P p, P p2) { return same(p.first, p.second, p2.first, p2.second); }

    void merge_outer() {
        for (int h = 0; h < H - 1; h++) unite(h, 0, h + 1, 0), unite(h, W - 1, h + 1, W - 1);
        for (int w = 0; w < W - 1; w++) unite(0, w, 0, w + 1), unite(H - 1, w, H - 1, w + 1);
    template <typename OStream> friend OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, GridUnionFind &g) {
        constexpr int WW = 3;
        os << "[(" << g.H << " * " << g.W << " grid)\n";
        for (int i = 0; i < g.H; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < g.W - 1; j++) {
                os << std::setw(WW) << g.find(i, j) << (g.same(i, j, i, j + 1) ? '-' : ' ');
            os << std::setw(WW) << g.find(i, g.W - 1) << '\n';
            if (i < g.H - 1) {
                for (int j = 0; j < g.W; j++)
                    os << std::setw(WW + 1) << (g.same(i, j, i + 1, j) ? "| " : "  ");
                os << "\n";
        os << "]\n";
        return os;
#line 2 "unionfind/grid_unionfind.hpp"
#include <cassert>
#include <iomanip>
#include <numeric>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

// CUT begin
struct GridUnionFind {
    int H, W;
    std::vector<int> par, cou;
    using P = std::pair<int, int>;
    GridUnionFind(int H_, int W_) : H(H_), W(W_), par(H * W), cou(H * W, 1) {
        std::iota(par.begin(), par.end(), 0);
    inline int id_(int h, int w) { return h * W + w; }
    inline bool coordinate_valid(int h, int w) { return h >= 0 and h < H and w >= 0 and w < W; }
    int _find(int x) { return (par[x] == x) ? x : (par[x] = _find(par[x])); }
    bool _unite(int x, int y) {
        x = _find(x), y = _find(y);
        if (x == y) return false;
        if (cou[x] < cou[y]) std::swap(x, y);
        par[y] = x, cou[x] += cou[y];
        return true;
    int find(int h, int w) {
        assert(coordinate_valid(h, w));
        return _find(id_(h, w));
    bool unite(int h, int w, int h2, int w2) {
        assert(coordinate_valid(h, w) and coordinate_valid(h2, w2));
        return _unite(id_(h, w), id_(h2, w2));
    int count(int h, int w) { return cou[find(h, w)]; }
    bool same(int h, int w, int h2, int w2) { return find(h, w) == find(h2, w2); }

    int find(P p) { return find(p.first, p.second); }
    bool unite(P p, P p2) { return unite(p.first, p.second, p2.first, p2.second); }
    int count(P p) { return count(p.first, p.second); }
    bool same(P p, P p2) { return same(p.first, p.second, p2.first, p2.second); }

    void merge_outer() {
        for (int h = 0; h < H - 1; h++) unite(h, 0, h + 1, 0), unite(h, W - 1, h + 1, W - 1);
        for (int w = 0; w < W - 1; w++) unite(0, w, 0, w + 1), unite(H - 1, w, H - 1, w + 1);
    template <typename OStream> friend OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, GridUnionFind &g) {
        constexpr int WW = 3;
        os << "[(" << g.H << " * " << g.W << " grid)\n";
        for (int i = 0; i < g.H; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < g.W - 1; j++) {
                os << std::setw(WW) << g.find(i, j) << (g.same(i, j, i, j + 1) ? '-' : ' ');
            os << std::setw(WW) << g.find(i, g.W - 1) << '\n';
            if (i < g.H - 1) {
                for (int j = 0; j < g.W; j++)
                    os << std::setw(WW + 1) << (g.same(i, j, i + 1, j) ? "| " : "  ");
                os << "\n";
        os << "]\n";
        return os;
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