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#include "string/incremental_matching.hpp"
#pragma once #include "../data_structure/light_forward_list.hpp" #include <iostream> #include <list> #include <string> #include <vector> // CUT begin // [1] B. Meyer, "Incremental String Matching," Information Processing Letters, 21(5), 1985. // // (Dynamic version of Aho-Corasick algorithm) // Overall complexity: O(K * (\sum_i |keyword_i|) * (\max_i |keyword_i|)) template <class T, int (*char2int)(char)> struct IncrementalMatching { bool built; const int D; std::vector<T> node; IncrementalMatching(int D_) : built(false), D(D_), node(1, D) {} void enter_child(int n, int nn, int c) { complete_failure(n, nn, c); node[n].setch(c, nn); int fnn = node[nn].fail; node[fnn].inv_fail.push_back(nn); complete_inverse(n, nn, c); } void complete_inverse(const int y, const int nn, const int c) { for (auto it = node[y].inv_fail.begin();; it++) { while (it != node[y].inv_fail.end() and node[*it].fail != y) it = node[y].inv_fail.erase(it); if (it == node[y].inv_fail.end()) return; const int x = *it, xx = node[x].Goto(c); if (xx) { node[xx].fail = nn, node[nn].inv_fail.push_back(xx); } else { complete_inverse(x, nn, c); } } } std::vector<int> endpos; int add(const std::string &keyword) { // Enter_in_tree() in [1] built = false; int n = 0; for (const auto &cc : keyword) { int c = char2int(cc), nn = node[n].Goto(c); if (!nn) { nn = node.size(); node.emplace_back(D), enter_child(n, nn, c); } n = nn; } return endpos.push_back(n), n; } void complete_failure(int n, int nn, int c) { int m = n, Tmc = node[m].Goto(c); while (m and !Tmc) m = node[m].fail, Tmc = node[m].Goto(c); node[nn].fail = Tmc; } std::vector<int> visorder; // BFS order of node ids void build() { // Build_failure() in [1] built = true; visorder = {0}; for (size_t p = 0; p < visorder.size(); p++) { for (auto p : node[visorder[p]]) { if (p.second) visorder.push_back(p.second); } } } int step(int now, int d) { while (now and !node[now].Goto(d)) now = node[now].fail; return node[now].Goto(d); } // Count occurences of each added keyword in `str` std::vector<int> match(const std::string &str) { if (!built) build(); std::vector<int> freq(node.size()); int now = 0; for (const auto &c : str) freq[now = step(now, char2int(c))]++; for (auto i = visorder.rbegin(); i != visorder.rend(); i++) freq[node[*i].fail] += freq[*i]; std::vector<int> ret; for (auto x : endpos) ret.push_back(freq[x]); return ret; } }; struct TrieNodeFL { static const int B = 8, mask = (1 << B) - 1; light_forward_list<unsigned> chlist; // 下位 B bits が文字種,上位 bit が行き先 std::list<int> inv_fail; int fail; TrieNodeFL(int = 0) : fail(0) {} int Goto(int c) { for (const auto x : chlist) { if ((x & mask) == c) return x >> B; } return 0; } void setch(int c, int i) { chlist.push_front(c + (i << B)); } friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, TrieNodeFL &x) { os << '[' << << '/'; for (const auto c : x.chlist) os << '(' << (c & mask) << ',' << (c >> B) << "),"; return os << ']'; } struct iterator { light_forward_list<unsigned>::iterator iter; iterator operator++() { return {++iter}; } std::pair<int, int> operator*() { unsigned val = *iter; return std::make_pair(val & mask, val >> B); // (char, next_pos) } bool operator!=(const iterator &rhs) { return iter != rhs.iter; } }; iterator begin() { return {chlist.begin()}; } iterator end() { return {chlist.end()}; } }; int c2i_0aA(char c) { return isdigit(c) ? c - '0' : islower(c) ? c - 'a' + 10 : c - 'A' + 36; }
#line 2 "data_structure/light_forward_list.hpp" #include <vector> // CUT begin // Simple forward_list for MLE-sensitive situations // Verify: <> template <typename T> struct light_forward_list { static std::vector<unsigned> ptr; static std::vector<T> val; unsigned head; light_forward_list() : head(0) {} void push_front(T x) { ptr.push_back(head), val.push_back(x); head = ptr.size() - 1; } struct iterator { unsigned p; iterator operator++() { return {p = ptr[p]}; } T &operator*() { return val[p]; } bool operator!=(const iterator &rhs) { return p != rhs.p; } }; iterator begin() { return {head}; } iterator end() { return {0}; } }; template <typename T> std::vector<unsigned> light_forward_list<T>::ptr = {0}; template <typename T> std::vector<T> light_forward_list<T>::val = {T()}; #line 3 "string/incremental_matching.hpp" #include <iostream> #include <list> #include <string> #line 7 "string/incremental_matching.hpp" // CUT begin // [1] B. Meyer, "Incremental String Matching," Information Processing Letters, 21(5), 1985. // // (Dynamic version of Aho-Corasick algorithm) // Overall complexity: O(K * (\sum_i |keyword_i|) * (\max_i |keyword_i|)) template <class T, int (*char2int)(char)> struct IncrementalMatching { bool built; const int D; std::vector<T> node; IncrementalMatching(int D_) : built(false), D(D_), node(1, D) {} void enter_child(int n, int nn, int c) { complete_failure(n, nn, c); node[n].setch(c, nn); int fnn = node[nn].fail; node[fnn].inv_fail.push_back(nn); complete_inverse(n, nn, c); } void complete_inverse(const int y, const int nn, const int c) { for (auto it = node[y].inv_fail.begin();; it++) { while (it != node[y].inv_fail.end() and node[*it].fail != y) it = node[y].inv_fail.erase(it); if (it == node[y].inv_fail.end()) return; const int x = *it, xx = node[x].Goto(c); if (xx) { node[xx].fail = nn, node[nn].inv_fail.push_back(xx); } else { complete_inverse(x, nn, c); } } } std::vector<int> endpos; int add(const std::string &keyword) { // Enter_in_tree() in [1] built = false; int n = 0; for (const auto &cc : keyword) { int c = char2int(cc), nn = node[n].Goto(c); if (!nn) { nn = node.size(); node.emplace_back(D), enter_child(n, nn, c); } n = nn; } return endpos.push_back(n), n; } void complete_failure(int n, int nn, int c) { int m = n, Tmc = node[m].Goto(c); while (m and !Tmc) m = node[m].fail, Tmc = node[m].Goto(c); node[nn].fail = Tmc; } std::vector<int> visorder; // BFS order of node ids void build() { // Build_failure() in [1] built = true; visorder = {0}; for (size_t p = 0; p < visorder.size(); p++) { for (auto p : node[visorder[p]]) { if (p.second) visorder.push_back(p.second); } } } int step(int now, int d) { while (now and !node[now].Goto(d)) now = node[now].fail; return node[now].Goto(d); } // Count occurences of each added keyword in `str` std::vector<int> match(const std::string &str) { if (!built) build(); std::vector<int> freq(node.size()); int now = 0; for (const auto &c : str) freq[now = step(now, char2int(c))]++; for (auto i = visorder.rbegin(); i != visorder.rend(); i++) freq[node[*i].fail] += freq[*i]; std::vector<int> ret; for (auto x : endpos) ret.push_back(freq[x]); return ret; } }; struct TrieNodeFL { static const int B = 8, mask = (1 << B) - 1; light_forward_list<unsigned> chlist; // 下位 B bits が文字種,上位 bit が行き先 std::list<int> inv_fail; int fail; TrieNodeFL(int = 0) : fail(0) {} int Goto(int c) { for (const auto x : chlist) { if ((x & mask) == c) return x >> B; } return 0; } void setch(int c, int i) { chlist.push_front(c + (i << B)); } friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, TrieNodeFL &x) { os << '[' << << '/'; for (const auto c : x.chlist) os << '(' << (c & mask) << ',' << (c >> B) << "),"; return os << ']'; } struct iterator { light_forward_list<unsigned>::iterator iter; iterator operator++() { return {++iter}; } std::pair<int, int> operator*() { unsigned val = *iter; return std::make_pair(val & mask, val >> B); // (char, next_pos) } bool operator!=(const iterator &rhs) { return iter != rhs.iter; } }; iterator begin() { return {chlist.begin()}; } iterator end() { return {chlist.end()}; } }; int c2i_0aA(char c) { return isdigit(c) ? c - '0' : islower(c) ? c - 'a' + 10 : c - 'A' + 36; }