This documentation is automatically generated by online-judge-tools/verification-helper
#include "other_algorithms/hilbert_order_mos_3d.hpp"
点 $(x, y, z)$ の 3 次元のヒルベルト曲線上の端点からの距離を計算する.
コンテストでの応用上重要な特徴として,座標の値が $n$ 以下の $q$ 個の点列をこの値をキーにソートする(ヒルベルトソート)ことで,パスのマンハッタン距離の総和が $O(n q^{2/3})$ で抑えられる.
Mo with update などの用途でクエリ処理順序の決定に利用可能で,例えば更新ありの Mo’s algorithm は $O(n q^{2/3})$ で解けることになる.
unsigned x, y, z;
unsigned long long h = encode_hilbert_order_3d<unsigned long long>(x, y, z);
長さ $n$ の列と $q$ 個のクエリが与えられて, $x, y$ が区間の両端 $l, r$ に対応し, $z$ が更新時刻 $t$ に対応するタイプの問題は,特に以下のようなコードで処理できる.なおこの手の出題ではジャッジが $O(nq)$ と $O(n q^{2/3})$ を区別する必要があるため,定数倍の実装には気をつけた方がよい.
int tick = 0;
vector<tuple<unsigned long long, int, int, int, int>> queries;
vector<tuple<int, int, int>> updates;
for (int q = 0; q < Q; ++q) {
int tp, l, r, p, x;
cin >> tp;
if (tp == 1) {
cin >> l >> r;
const int nq = queries.size();
queries.emplace_back(encode_hilbert_order_3d<unsigned long long>(tick, l, r), l, r, tick, nq);
} else {
cin >> p >> x;
updates.emplace_back(p,, x); = x;
sort(queries.begin(), queries.end());
int l = 0, r = 0;
vector<int> vcnt(zs.size()); // 区間に現れる各値の計数
vector<int> vhist(N + 2); // 配列 vcnt の頻度分布 = vcnt.size();
auto add_val = [&](int v) -> void {
const int cnt = vcnt[v];
vhist[cnt + 1]++;
auto remove_val = [&](int v) -> void {
const int cnt = vcnt[v];
vhist[cnt + 1]--;
vector<int> ret(queries.size(), -1);
for (const auto &[_, ltgt, rtgt, ticktgt, nq] : queries) {
while (tick < ticktgt) {
auto [p, oldval, newval] = updates[tick];
A[p] = newval;
if (l <= p and p < r) {
while (tick > ticktgt) {
auto [p, oldval, newval] = updates[tick];
A[p] = oldval;
if (l <= p and p < r) {
while (ltgt < l) add_val(A[--l]);
while (r < rtgt) add_val(A[r++]);
while (l < ltgt) remove_val(A[l++]);
while (rtgt < r) remove_val(A[--r]);
/* solve subproblem = ***;
列の要素更新ありの Mo’s algorithm が必要な問題例を以下に挙げる.
#pragma once
#include <cassert>
#include <limits>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
// Encode 3D point (x, y, z) to Hilbert order
// Implementation based on
template <class Uint = unsigned long long> Uint encode_hilbert_order_3d(Uint x, Uint y, Uint z) {
static_assert(std::numeric_limits<Uint>::digits >= 64);
auto update = [](Uint x, Uint y, Uint z, unsigned w, unsigned o) -> std::tuple<Uint, Uint, Uint> {
if (o == 0) return {z, x, y};
if (o == 1) return {y, z, x - w};
if (o == 2) return {y, z - w, x - w};
if (o == 3) return {w - x - 1, y, 2 * w - z - 1};
if (o == 4) return {w - x - 1, y - w, 2 * w - z - 1};
if (o == 5) return {2 * w - y - 1, 2 * w - z - 1, x - w};
if (o == 6) return {2 * w - y - 1, w - z - 1, x - w};
if (o == 7) return {z, w - x - 1, 2 * w - y - 1};
int rmin = 1;
while ((x | y | z) >> rmin) ++rmin;
assert(rmin * 3 <= (int)sizeof(Uint) * 8);
const int t = (-rmin % 3 + 3) % 3;
if (t == 1) {
std::swap(y, z);
std::swap(x, y);
} else if (t == 2) {
std::swap(x, y);
std::swap(y, z);
Uint h = 0;
for (Uint w = Uint(1) << (rmin - 1); w; w >>= 1) {
bool bx = (x >= w), by = (y >= w), bz = (z >= w);
unsigned o = (bx ^ by ^ bz) + 2 * (by ^ bz) + 4 * by;
h = 8 * h + o;
std::tie(x, y, z) = update(x, y, z, w, o);
return h;
#line 2 "other_algorithms/hilbert_order_mos_3d.hpp"
#include <cassert>
#include <limits>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
// Encode 3D point (x, y, z) to Hilbert order
// Implementation based on
template <class Uint = unsigned long long> Uint encode_hilbert_order_3d(Uint x, Uint y, Uint z) {
static_assert(std::numeric_limits<Uint>::digits >= 64);
auto update = [](Uint x, Uint y, Uint z, unsigned w, unsigned o) -> std::tuple<Uint, Uint, Uint> {
if (o == 0) return {z, x, y};
if (o == 1) return {y, z, x - w};
if (o == 2) return {y, z - w, x - w};
if (o == 3) return {w - x - 1, y, 2 * w - z - 1};
if (o == 4) return {w - x - 1, y - w, 2 * w - z - 1};
if (o == 5) return {2 * w - y - 1, 2 * w - z - 1, x - w};
if (o == 6) return {2 * w - y - 1, w - z - 1, x - w};
if (o == 7) return {z, w - x - 1, 2 * w - y - 1};
int rmin = 1;
while ((x | y | z) >> rmin) ++rmin;
assert(rmin * 3 <= (int)sizeof(Uint) * 8);
const int t = (-rmin % 3 + 3) % 3;
if (t == 1) {
std::swap(y, z);
std::swap(x, y);
} else if (t == 2) {
std::swap(x, y);
std::swap(y, z);
Uint h = 0;
for (Uint w = Uint(1) << (rmin - 1); w; w >>= 1) {
bool bx = (x >= w), by = (y >= w), bz = (z >= w);
unsigned o = (bx ^ by ^ bz) + 2 * (by ^ bz) + 4 * by;
h = 8 * h + o;
std::tie(x, y, z) = update(x, y, z, w, o);
return h;