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#define PROBLEM "" // DUMMY #include "../link_cut_tree.hpp" #include "../../random/xorshift.hpp" #include <algorithm> #include <cassert> #include <iostream> #include <unordered_set> #include <utility> #include <vector> using namespace std; struct S { int sz, sum, lhi, rhi, inhi; S() = default; S(int x) : sz(1), sum(x), lhi(x), rhi(x), inhi(x) {} S(int sz_, int sum_, int lhi_, int rhi_, int inhi_) : sz(sz_), sum(sum_), lhi(lhi_), rhi(rhi_), inhi(inhi_) {} bool operator==(const S &x) const { return sz == and sum == x.sum and lhi == x.lhi and rhi == x.rhi and inhi == x.inhi; } template <class OStream> friend OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const S &x) { return os << '[' << << ',' << x.sum << ',' << x.lhi << ',' << x.rhi << ',' << x.inhi << ']'; } }; using F = pair<bool, int>; S op(S l, S r) { return S( +, l.sum + r.sum, max(l.sum + r.lhi, l.lhi), max(l.rhi + r.sum, r.rhi), max({l.inhi, r.inhi, l.rhi + r.lhi})); } S reversal(S x) { return S(, x.sum, x.rhi, x.lhi, x.inhi); } S mapping(F f, S x) { if (f.first) { auto v = f.second; auto sum = * v; return S{, sum, max(v, sum), max(v, sum), max(v, sum)}; } else { return x; } } F composition(F fnew, F gold) { return fnew.first ? fnew : gold; } F id() { return {false, 0}; } using LCT = lazy_linkcuttree<S, F, op, reversal, mapping, composition, id>; const int NTRY = 1000; const int VMAX = 20; const int QPERTRY = 10000; const int AMAX = 20; vector<int> connected_vertices(int N, int r, const vector<unordered_set<int>> &to) { vector<int> visited(N); vector<int> ret, tmp{r}; while (tmp.size()) { int now = tmp.back(); tmp.pop_back(); ret.push_back(now); visited[now] = 1; for (auto nxt : to[now]) { if (!visited[nxt]) tmp.push_back(nxt); } } return ret; } vector<int> get_rev_path(int s, int t, int prv, const vector<unordered_set<int>> &to) { if (s == t) return {s}; for (auto nxt : to[s]) { if (nxt == prv) continue; auto v = get_rev_path(nxt, t, s, to); if (v.size()) { v.push_back(s); return v; } } return {}; } int gen_rand_a() { return rand_int() % (AMAX * 2 + 1) - AMAX; } int main() { for (int ntry = 0; ntry < NTRY; ntry++) { const int N = 2 + rand_int() % (VMAX - 1); vector<S> A(N); LCT tree; vector<LCT::Node *> nodes; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { A[i] = gen_rand_a(); nodes.push_back(tree.make_node(A[i])); } vector<pair<int, int>> edges; vector<unordered_set<int>> to(N); auto try_to_add_edge = [&]() { int a = rand_int() % N; vector<int> is_cmp(N, 1); for (auto i : connected_vertices(N, a, to)) is_cmp[i] = 0; vector<int> cmp; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { if (is_cmp[i]) cmp.push_back(i); } if (cmp.empty()) return; int b = cmp[rand_int() % cmp.size()]; edges.emplace_back(a, b); to[a].insert(b), to[b].insert(a);[a], nodes[b]); }; for (int i = 0; i < N / 2; i++) try_to_add_edge(); for (int q = 0; q < QPERTRY; q++) { const int tp = rand_int() % 6; if (tp == 0) { // cut() if possible if (edges.empty()) continue; int e = rand_int() % edges.size(); int a = edges[e].first, b = edges[e].second; edges.erase(edges.begin() + e); to[a].erase(b), to[b].erase(a); tree.cut(nodes[a], nodes[b]); } else if (tp == 1) { // link() if possible try_to_add_edge(); } else if (tp == 2) { // apply() const int u = rand_int() % N; auto conn = connected_vertices(N, u, to); int v = conn[rand_int() % conn.size()]; const auto a = gen_rand_a(); tree.apply(nodes[u], nodes[v], {true, a}); for (auto i : get_rev_path(u, v, -1, to)) A[i] = a; } else if (tp == 3) { // prod() const int u = rand_int() % N; auto conn = connected_vertices(N, u, to); int v = conn[rand_int() % conn.size()]; S ret1 =[u], nodes[v]); auto ret2 = S(A[u]); for (auto i : get_rev_path(v, u, -1, to)) { if (i != u) ret2 = op(ret2, A[i]); } assert(ret1 == ret2); } else if (tp == 4) { // set() const int u = rand_int() % N; const auto a = gen_rand_a(); tree.set(nodes[u], a); A[u] = a; } else if (tp == 5) { // get() const int u = rand_int() % N; const S a = tree.get(nodes[u]); assert(a == A[u]); } else { exit(8); } } } puts("Hello World"); }
#line 1 "data_structure/test/link_cut_tree.noncommutative2.stress.test.cpp" #define PROBLEM "" // DUMMY #line 2 "data_structure/link_cut_tree.hpp" // CUT begin // Link-Cut Tree // Reference: // - // - template <class S, class F, S (*op)(S, S), S (*reversal)(S), S (*mapping)(F, S), F (*composition)(F, F), F (*id)()> class lazy_linkcuttree { public: struct Node { Node *l, *r, *p; S d, sum; F lz; bool is_reversed; int sz; Node(S val) : l(nullptr), r(nullptr), p(nullptr), d(val), sum(val), lz(id()), is_reversed(false), sz(1) {} bool is_root() const { return !p || (p->l != this and p->r != this); } template <class OStream> friend OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const Node &n) { os << '['; if (n.l) os << *(n.l) << ','; os << n.d << ','; if (n.r) os << *(n.r); return os << ']'; } }; protected: void update(Node *t) { if (t == nullptr) return; t->sz = 1; t->sum = t->d; if (t->l) { t->sz += t->l->sz; t->sum = op(t->l->sum, t->sum); } if (t->r) { t->sz += t->r->sz; t->sum = op(t->sum, t->r->sum); } } void all_apply(Node *a, F b) { a->d = mapping(b, a->d); a->sum = mapping(b, a->sum); a->lz = composition(b, a->lz); } void _toggle(Node *t) { auto tmp = t->l; t->l = t->r, t->r = tmp; t->sum = reversal(t->sum); t->is_reversed ^= true; } void push(Node *&t) { if (t->lz != id()) { if (t->l) all_apply(t->l, t->lz); if (t->r) all_apply(t->r, t->lz); t->lz = id(); } if (t->is_reversed) { if (t->l) _toggle(t->l); if (t->r) _toggle(t->r); t->is_reversed = false; } } void _rot_r(Node *t) { Node *x = t->p, *y = x->p; if ((x->l = t->r)) t->r->p = x; t->r = x, x->p = t; update(x), update(t); if ((t->p = y)) { if (y->l == x) y->l = t; if (y->r == x) y->r = t; update(y); } } void _rot_l(Node *t) { Node *x = t->p, *y = x->p; if ((x->r = t->l)) t->l->p = x; t->l = x, x->p = t; update(x), update(t); if ((t->p = y)) { if (y->l == x) y->l = t; if (y->r == x) y->r = t; update(y); } } void _splay(Node *t) { push(t); while (!t->is_root()) { Node *q = t->p; if (q->is_root()) { push(q), push(t); if (q->l == t) _rot_r(t); else _rot_l(t); } else { Node *r = q->p; push(r), push(q), push(t); if (r->l == q) { if (q->l == t) _rot_r(q), _rot_r(t); else _rot_l(t), _rot_r(t); } else { if (q->r == t) _rot_l(q), _rot_l(t); else _rot_r(t), _rot_l(t); } } } } public: [[nodiscard]] Node *make_node(S val) { return new Node(val); } void evert(Node *t) { expose(t), _toggle(t), push(t); } Node *expose(Node *t) { Node *rp = nullptr; for (Node *cur = t; cur; cur = cur->p) { _splay(cur); cur->r = rp; update(cur); rp = cur; } _splay(t); return rp; } void link(Node *chi, Node *par) { evert(chi); expose(par); chi->p = par; par->r = chi; update(par); } void cut(Node *chi) { expose(chi); Node *par = chi->l; chi->l = nullptr; update(chi); par->p = nullptr; } void cut(Node *u, Node *v) { evert(u), cut(v); } Node *lca(Node *u, Node *v) { return expose(u), expose(v); } void set(Node *t, S x) { expose(t), t->d = x, update(t); } S get(Node *t) { return expose(t), t->d; } void apply(Node *u, Node *v, const F &x) { evert(u); expose(v); all_apply(v, x); push(v); } S prod(Node *u, Node *v) { evert(u); expose(v); return v->sum; } Node *kth_parent(Node *t, int k) { expose(t); while (t) { push(t); if (t->r and t->r->sz > k) { t = t->r; } else { if (t->r) k -= t->r->sz; if (k == 0) return t; k--; t = t->l; } } return nullptr; } bool is_connected(Node *u, Node *v) { expose(u), expose(v); return u == v or u->p; } }; /* example usage: struct S { int sz, sum, lhi, rhi, inhi; S(int x) : sz(1), sum(x), lhi(x), rhi(x), inhi(x) {} S(int sz_, int sum_, int lhi_, int rhi_, int inhi_) : sz(sz_), sum(sum_), lhi(lhi_), rhi(rhi_), inhi(inhi_) {} }; using F = pair<bool, int>; S op(S l, S r) { return S( +, l.sum + r.sum, max(l.sum + r.lhi, l.lhi), max(l.rhi + r.sum, r.rhi), max<int>({l.inhi, r.inhi, l.rhi + r.lhi})); } S reversal(S x) { return S(, x.sum, x.rhi, x.lhi, x.inhi); } S mapping(F f, S x) { if (f.first) { auto v = f.second; auto sum = * v; return S{, sum, max(v, sum), max(v, sum), max(v, sum)}; } else { return x; } } F composition(F fnew, F gold) { return fnew.first ? fnew : gold; } F id() { return {false, 0}; } using LCT = lazy_linkcuttree<S, F, op, reversal, mapping, composition, id>; vector<LCT::Node*> vs; */ #line 2 "random/xorshift.hpp" #include <cstdint> // CUT begin uint32_t rand_int() // XorShift random integer generator { static uint32_t x = 123456789, y = 362436069, z = 521288629, w = 88675123; uint32_t t = x ^ (x << 11); x = y; y = z; z = w; return w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8)); } double rand_double() { return (double)rand_int() / UINT32_MAX; } #line 4 "data_structure/test/link_cut_tree.noncommutative2.stress.test.cpp" #include <algorithm> #include <cassert> #include <iostream> #include <unordered_set> #include <utility> #include <vector> using namespace std; struct S { int sz, sum, lhi, rhi, inhi; S() = default; S(int x) : sz(1), sum(x), lhi(x), rhi(x), inhi(x) {} S(int sz_, int sum_, int lhi_, int rhi_, int inhi_) : sz(sz_), sum(sum_), lhi(lhi_), rhi(rhi_), inhi(inhi_) {} bool operator==(const S &x) const { return sz == and sum == x.sum and lhi == x.lhi and rhi == x.rhi and inhi == x.inhi; } template <class OStream> friend OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const S &x) { return os << '[' << << ',' << x.sum << ',' << x.lhi << ',' << x.rhi << ',' << x.inhi << ']'; } }; using F = pair<bool, int>; S op(S l, S r) { return S( +, l.sum + r.sum, max(l.sum + r.lhi, l.lhi), max(l.rhi + r.sum, r.rhi), max({l.inhi, r.inhi, l.rhi + r.lhi})); } S reversal(S x) { return S(, x.sum, x.rhi, x.lhi, x.inhi); } S mapping(F f, S x) { if (f.first) { auto v = f.second; auto sum = * v; return S{, sum, max(v, sum), max(v, sum), max(v, sum)}; } else { return x; } } F composition(F fnew, F gold) { return fnew.first ? fnew : gold; } F id() { return {false, 0}; } using LCT = lazy_linkcuttree<S, F, op, reversal, mapping, composition, id>; const int NTRY = 1000; const int VMAX = 20; const int QPERTRY = 10000; const int AMAX = 20; vector<int> connected_vertices(int N, int r, const vector<unordered_set<int>> &to) { vector<int> visited(N); vector<int> ret, tmp{r}; while (tmp.size()) { int now = tmp.back(); tmp.pop_back(); ret.push_back(now); visited[now] = 1; for (auto nxt : to[now]) { if (!visited[nxt]) tmp.push_back(nxt); } } return ret; } vector<int> get_rev_path(int s, int t, int prv, const vector<unordered_set<int>> &to) { if (s == t) return {s}; for (auto nxt : to[s]) { if (nxt == prv) continue; auto v = get_rev_path(nxt, t, s, to); if (v.size()) { v.push_back(s); return v; } } return {}; } int gen_rand_a() { return rand_int() % (AMAX * 2 + 1) - AMAX; } int main() { for (int ntry = 0; ntry < NTRY; ntry++) { const int N = 2 + rand_int() % (VMAX - 1); vector<S> A(N); LCT tree; vector<LCT::Node *> nodes; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { A[i] = gen_rand_a(); nodes.push_back(tree.make_node(A[i])); } vector<pair<int, int>> edges; vector<unordered_set<int>> to(N); auto try_to_add_edge = [&]() { int a = rand_int() % N; vector<int> is_cmp(N, 1); for (auto i : connected_vertices(N, a, to)) is_cmp[i] = 0; vector<int> cmp; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { if (is_cmp[i]) cmp.push_back(i); } if (cmp.empty()) return; int b = cmp[rand_int() % cmp.size()]; edges.emplace_back(a, b); to[a].insert(b), to[b].insert(a);[a], nodes[b]); }; for (int i = 0; i < N / 2; i++) try_to_add_edge(); for (int q = 0; q < QPERTRY; q++) { const int tp = rand_int() % 6; if (tp == 0) { // cut() if possible if (edges.empty()) continue; int e = rand_int() % edges.size(); int a = edges[e].first, b = edges[e].second; edges.erase(edges.begin() + e); to[a].erase(b), to[b].erase(a); tree.cut(nodes[a], nodes[b]); } else if (tp == 1) { // link() if possible try_to_add_edge(); } else if (tp == 2) { // apply() const int u = rand_int() % N; auto conn = connected_vertices(N, u, to); int v = conn[rand_int() % conn.size()]; const auto a = gen_rand_a(); tree.apply(nodes[u], nodes[v], {true, a}); for (auto i : get_rev_path(u, v, -1, to)) A[i] = a; } else if (tp == 3) { // prod() const int u = rand_int() % N; auto conn = connected_vertices(N, u, to); int v = conn[rand_int() % conn.size()]; S ret1 =[u], nodes[v]); auto ret2 = S(A[u]); for (auto i : get_rev_path(v, u, -1, to)) { if (i != u) ret2 = op(ret2, A[i]); } assert(ret1 == ret2); } else if (tp == 4) { // set() const int u = rand_int() % N; const auto a = gen_rand_a(); tree.set(nodes[u], a); A[u] = a; } else if (tp == 5) { // get() const int u = rand_int() % N; const S a = tree.get(nodes[u]); assert(a == A[u]); } else { exit(8); } } } puts("Hello World"); }