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#define PROBLEM "" #include "../li_chao_tree.hpp" #include <iostream> #include <tuple> #include <utility> #include <vector> using namespace std; int main() { cin.tie(nullptr), ios::sync_with_stdio(false); int N, Q; cin >> N >> Q; std::vector<std::tuple<bool, int, int, int, long long>> qs; std::vector<long long> xs; int tp, l, r, a, p; long long b; while (N--) { cin >> l >> r >> a >> b; qs.emplace_back(false, l, r, a, b); } while (Q--) { cin >> tp; if (tp == 0) { cin >> l >> r >> a >> b; qs.emplace_back(false, l, r, a, b); } else { cin >> p; qs.emplace_back(true, p, 0, 0, 0); xs.push_back(p); } } li_chao_tree<long long, long long> tree; tree.init(xs); for (auto q : qs) { tie(tp, l, r, a, b) = q; if (tp == 0) tree.add_segment(l, r, a, b, 0); if (tp == 1) { auto ret = tree.get(l); if (ret.is_valid) { cout << ret.minval << '\n'; } else { cout << "INFINITY\n"; } } } }
#line 1 "convex_hull_trick/test/li_chao_tree.test.cpp" #define PROBLEM "" #line 2 "convex_hull_trick/li_chao_tree.hpp" #include <algorithm> #include <cassert> #include <tuple> #include <vector> // Li-Chao tree // init() : set x's where we will execute get(x) queries // add_segment(l, r, a, b): update by ax + b in [l, r) // get(x): get min template <class T, class T_MP> struct li_chao_tree { int _n, _head; std::vector<T> xs; li_chao_tree() : _n(0), _head(0) {} struct _Line { T a, b; int line_idx; bool is_valid; T_MP eval(T x) const noexcept { return T_MP(a) * x + b; } }; std::vector<_Line> lines; struct LCR { T l, c, r; }; std::vector<LCR> lcr; void init(const std::vector<T> &xs_) { xs = xs_; std::sort(xs.begin(), xs.end()); xs.erase(std::unique(xs.begin(), xs.end()), xs.end()); _n = xs.size(); _head = 1; while (_head < _n) _head <<= 1; lines.assign(_head * 2, {0, 0, -1, false}); lcr.resize(_head * 2); for (int i = 0; i < _n; ++i) lcr[_head + i] = {xs[i], xs[i], xs[i]}; for (int i = _head - 1; i; --i) { int l = i * 2, r = i * 2 + 1; lcr[i] = {lcr[l].l, lcr[r].l, lcr[r].r}; } } int il, ir; void _rec(int now, int nowl, int nowr, _Line line_add) { const int nowc = (nowl + nowr) / 2; if (nowl >= ir or nowr <= il) { return; } else if (il <= nowl and nowr <= ir) { if (!lines[now].is_valid) { lines[now] = line_add; return; } bool upd_l = lines[now].eval(lcr[now].l) > line_add.eval(lcr[now].l); bool upd_c = lines[now].eval(lcr[now].c) > line_add.eval(lcr[now].c); bool upd_r = lines[now].eval(lcr[now].r) > line_add.eval(lcr[now].r); if (upd_l and upd_c and upd_r) { lines[now] = line_add; return; } else if (upd_c and upd_r) { std::swap(lines[now], line_add); _rec(now * 2, nowl, nowc, line_add); } else if (upd_l and upd_c) { std::swap(lines[now], line_add); _rec(now * 2 + 1, nowc, nowr, line_add); } else if (upd_l) { _rec(now * 2, nowl, nowc, line_add); } else if (upd_r) { _rec(now * 2 + 1, nowc, nowr, line_add); } else { return; } } else { if (il < nowc) _rec(now * 2, nowl, nowc, line_add); if (ir > nowc) _rec(now * 2 + 1, nowc, nowr, line_add); } } void add_line(T a, T b, int idx = -1) { il = 0, ir = _n; if (il >= ir) return; _rec(1, 0, _head, _Line{a, b, idx, true}); } void add_segment(T xl, T xr, T a, T b, int idx = -1) { il = std::lower_bound(xs.begin(), xs.end(), xl) - xs.begin(); ir = std::lower_bound(xs.begin(), xs.end(), xr) - xs.begin(); if (il >= ir) return; _rec(1, 0, _head, _Line{a, b, idx, true}); } struct Ret { T line_a, line_b; int line_idx; bool is_valid; T_MP minval; }; Ret _get_i(int i, T x) { i += _head; _Line ret = lines[i]; T_MP val = ret.is_valid ? ret.eval(x) : 0; for (i /= 2; i; i /= 2) { if (!lines[i].is_valid) continue; T_MP tmp = lines[i].eval(x); if (!ret.is_valid or tmp < val) ret = lines[i], val = tmp; } return {ret.a, ret.b, ret.line_idx, ret.is_valid, val}; } Ret get(T x) { int i = std::lower_bound(xs.begin(), xs.end(), x) - xs.begin(); assert(i < _n and xs[i] == x); return _get_i(i, x); } }; #line 3 "convex_hull_trick/test/li_chao_tree.test.cpp" #include <iostream> #line 5 "convex_hull_trick/test/li_chao_tree.test.cpp" #include <utility> #line 7 "convex_hull_trick/test/li_chao_tree.test.cpp" using namespace std; int main() { cin.tie(nullptr), ios::sync_with_stdio(false); int N, Q; cin >> N >> Q; std::vector<std::tuple<bool, int, int, int, long long>> qs; std::vector<long long> xs; int tp, l, r, a, p; long long b; while (N--) { cin >> l >> r >> a >> b; qs.emplace_back(false, l, r, a, b); } while (Q--) { cin >> tp; if (tp == 0) { cin >> l >> r >> a >> b; qs.emplace_back(false, l, r, a, b); } else { cin >> p; qs.emplace_back(true, p, 0, 0, 0); xs.push_back(p); } } li_chao_tree<long long, long long> tree; tree.init(xs); for (auto q : qs) { tie(tp, l, r, a, b) = q; if (tp == 0) tree.add_segment(l, r, a, b, 0); if (tp == 1) { auto ret = tree.get(l); if (ret.is_valid) { cout << ret.minval << '\n'; } else { cout << "INFINITY\n"; } } } }